Controller worker

The controller worker is primarily utilized for managing Rspamd statistics, facilitating the learning process, and serving the WebUI.

In essence, it operates as a web server that accepts requests and delivers responses in JSON format. Various commands are mapped to specific URLs, and they fall into two categories: read-only commands, which are considered unprivileged, and commands like map modification, config alterations, and learning, which necessitate a higher level of privileges called enable. These privilege levels are differentiated by passwords. If only one password is specified in the configuration, it is used for both types of commands.

Controller configuration

The Rspamd controller worker offers the following configuration options:

  • password: This sets the password required for read-only commands.
  • enable_password: This sets the password required for write commands.
  • secure_ip: A list or map containing IP addresses designated as “secure.” All commands are allowed from these IPs without the need for passwords. If a reverse proxy sets an X-Forwarded-For header, both the proxy’s IP and the actual client’s IP must be included in secure_ip.
  • static_dir: This specifies the directory where static files for the web interface are located. Typically, this would be ${WWWDIR}.
  • stats_path: This sets the path where the controller worker stores persistent statistics about Rspamd, such as the count of scanned messages.
  • bind_socket: A string defining the bind address for the controller worker (web interface). If the port number is omitted, it defaults to port 11334. You can also refer to the common worker options for additional details.

Encryption support

To generate a keypair for the scanner you could use:

rspamadm keypair -u

After running this command, the keypair should appear as follows:

keypair {
    pubkey = "tm8zjw3ougwj1qjpyweugqhuyg4576ctg6p7mbrhma6ytjewp4ry";
    privkey = "ykkrfqbyk34i1ewdmn81ttcco1eaxoqgih38duib1e7b89h9xn3y";

You can use its public part thereafter when scanning messages as following:

rspamc --key tm8zjw3ougwj1qjpyweugqhuyg4576ctg6p7mbrhma6ytjewp4ry <file>

Passwords encryption

Rspamd now suggests to encrypt passwords when storing them in a configuration. Currently, it uses PBKDF2-Blake2 function to derive key from a password. To encrypt key, you can use rspamadm pw command as following:

rspamadm pw
Enter passphrase: <hidden input>

You can use that line as password and enable_password values.

Supported commands

  • /auth
  • /symbols
  • /actions
  • /maps
  • /getmap
  • /graph
  • /pie
  • /history
  • /historyreset (priv)
  • /learnspam (priv)
  • /learnham (priv)
  • /saveactions (priv)
  • /savesymbols (priv)
  • /savemap (priv)
  • /scan
  • /check
  • /checkv2
  • /stat
  • /statreset (priv)
  • /counters
  • /metrics