Milter headers module

The milter headers module (formerly known as rmilter headers) has been added in Rspamd 1.5 to provide a relatively simple way to configure adding/removing of headers via Rmilter (the alternative being to use the API). Despite its name, it is not tied to the milter protocol and also works with supported mailservers that use the HTTP interface such as Haraka and OpenSMTPD.

Principles of operation

The milter headers module offers several routines for adding/removing common headers, which can be selectively enabled and configured according to specific needs. Additionally, users have the flexibility to add their own custom routines to the configuration or add them directly from Lua.


# local.d/milter_headers.conf:

# Options

# Add "extended Rspamd headers" (default false) (enables x-spamd-result, x-rspamd-server & x-rspamd-queue-id routines)
# extended_spam_headers = true;

# List of routines to enable for authenticated users (default empty); see also `skip_authenticated`
# authenticated_headers = ["authentication-results"];

# Set false to enable all used routines for authenticated users (default true)
# skip_authenticated = true;

# List of routines to enable for local IPs (default empty); see also `skip_local`
# local_headers = ["x-spamd-bar"];

# Set false to enable all used routines for local IPs (default true)
# skip_local = true;

# Routines to use- this is the only required setting (may be omitted if using extended_spam_headers)
use = ["x-spamd-bar", "authentication-results"];

# this is where we may configure our selected routines
routines {
  # settings for x-spamd-bar routine
  x-spamd-bar {
    # effectively disables negative spambar
    negative = "";
  # other routines...
custom {
  # user-defined routines: more on these later



Add “extended Rspamd headers” to messages NOT originated from authenticated users or our_networks (default false). Enables the following routines: x-spamd-result, x-rspamd-server and x-rspamd-queue-id.

extended_spam_headers = true;

authenticated_headers (1.6.1+)

List of routines to be enabled for authenticated users (default empty). See also skip_authenticated.

authenticated_headers = ["authentication-results"];

remove_upstream_spam_flag (1.7.1+)

Set false to keep pre-existing spam flag added by an upstream spam filter (default true). This will enable the remove-spam-flag option.

remove_upstream_spam_flag = true;

local_headers (1.6.1+)

List of routines to enable for local IPs (default empty). See also skip_local.

local_headers = ["x-spamd-bar"];

skip_local (1.6.0+)

Set false to always add headers for local IPs (default true).

skip_local = true;

skip_all (2.8.0+)

Do not add extended headers for any messages (except those matching extended_headers_rcpt) (default false)

skip_all = true;

skip_authenticated (1.6.0+)

Set false to always add headers for authenticated users (default true)

skip_authenticated = true;

extended_headers_rcpt (1.6.2+)

List of recipients (default empty).

When extended_spam_headers is enabled, also add extended Rspamd headers to messages if EVERY envelope recipient match this list (e.g. a list of domains mail server responsible for).

extended_headers_rcpt = ["user1", "", ""];

extended_headers_rcpt has higher precedence than skip_local, skip_authenticated and skip_all.
extended_headers_rcpt paired with skip_all = true can be used to only add extended headers to a map of specific recipients.


Routines to use- this is the only required setting (may be omitted if using extended_spam_headers)

use = ["x-spamd-bar", "authentication-results"];

Removing headers

Configuration dealing with removing headers commonly sets a numeric parameter which is typically set to 0.

0 means all headers with a given name should be removed. 1 means remove the first header with a given name, and so on -1 means remove the last header with a given name, and so on

From version 3.9.0, this can be set to null to indicate that foreign headers should not be removed.


Available routines and their settings are as below, default values are as indicated:


Add an authentication-results header.

use = ["authentication-results"];
#authenticated_headers = ["authentication-results"]; # to add this header for authenticated users

routines {
  authentication-results {
    # Name of header
    header = "Authentication-Results";
    # Remove existing headers
    remove = 1;
    # Set this false not to add SMTP usernames in authentication-results
    add_smtp_user = true;
    # SPF/DKIM/DMARC symbols in case these are redefined
    spf_symbols {
      pass = "R_SPF_ALLOW";
      fail = "R_SPF_FAIL";
      softfail = "R_SPF_SOFTFAIL";
      neutral = "R_SPF_NEUTRAL";
      temperror = "R_SPF_DNSFAIL";
      none = "R_SPF_NA";
      permerror = "R_SPF_PERMFAIL";
    dkim_symbols {
      pass = "R_DKIM_ALLOW";
      fail = "R_DKIM_REJECT";
      temperror = "R_DKIM_TEMPFAIL";
      none = "R_DKIM_NA";
      permerror = "R_DKIM_PERMFAIL";
    dmarc_symbols {
      pass = "DMARC_POLICY_ALLOW";
      permerror = "DMARC_BAD_POLICY";
      temperror = "DMARC_DNSFAIL";
      none = "DMARC_NA";
      reject = "DMARC_POLICY_REJECT";
      softfail = "DMARC_POLICY_SOFTFAIL";
      quarantine = "DMARC_POLICY_QUARANTINE";

fuzzy-hashes (1.7.5+)

For each matched fuzzy hash adds a header containing the hash.

use = ["fuzzy-hashes"];

routines {
  fuzzy-hashes {
    header = "X-Rspamd-Fuzzy";
    remove = 0;

remove-header (1.6.2+)

Removes a header with the specified name (header MUST be specified):

use = ["remove-header"];

routines {
  remove-header {
    header = "Remove-This";
    remove = 0; # 0 means remove all, 1 means remove the first one , -1 remove the last and so on

remove-headers (1.6.3+)

Removes multiple headers (headers MUST be specified):

use = ["remove-headers"];

routines {
  remove-headers {
    headers {
      "Remove-This" = 0;
      "This-Too" = 0;

remove-spam-flag (1.7.1+)

Removes pre-existing spam flag added by an upstream spam filter.

use = ["remove-spam-flag"];

routines {
  remove-spam-flag {
    header = "X-Spam";

Default name of the header to be removed is X-Spam which can be manipulated using the header setting.


Adds a predefined header to mail identified as spam.

use = ["spam-header"];

routines {
  spam-header {
    header = "Deliver-To";
    value = "Junk";
    remove = 0;

Default name/value of the added header is Deliver-To/Junk which can be manipulated using the header and value settings.

stat-signature (1.6.3+)

Attaches the stat signature to the message.

use = ["stat-signature"];

routines {
  stat-signature {
    header = 'X-Stat-Signature';
    remove = 0;

x-rspamd-queue-id (1.5.8+)

Adds a header containing the Rspamd queue id of the message if it is NOT originated from authenticated users or our_networks.

use = ["x-rspamd-queue-id"];

routines {
  x-rspamd-queue-id {
    header = 'X-Rspamd-Queue-Id';
    remove = 0;

x-spamd-result (1.5.8+)

Adds a header containing the scan results if the message is NOT originated from authenticated users or our_networks.

use = ["x-spamd-result"];

routines {
  x-spamd-result {
    header = 'X-Spamd-Result';
    remove = 0;

x-rspamd-server (1.5.8+)

Adds a header containing the local computer host name of the Rspamd server that checked out the message if it is NOT originated from authenticated users or our_networks. Since Rspamd 2.4 the host name can be replaced with a user-defined string specified in the hostname setting.

use = ["x-rspamd-server"];

routines {
  x-rspamd-server {
    header = 'X-Rspamd-Server';
    remove = 0;
    #hostname = ""; -- Local computer host name if unspecified (2.4+)


Adds a visual indicator of spam/ham level.

use = ["x-spamd-bar"];

routines {
  x-spamd-bar {
    header = "X-Spamd-Bar";
    positive = "+";
    negative = "-";
    neutral = "/";
    remove = 0;


Another visual indicator of spam level- SpamAssassin style.

use = ["x-spam-level"];

routines {
  x-spamd-level {
    header = "X-Spam-Level";
    char = "*";
    remove = 0;


SpamAssassin-style X-Spam-Status header indicating spam status.

use = ["x-spam-status"];

routines {
  x-spam-status {
    header = "X-Spam-Status";
    remove = 0;


use = ["x-virus"];

routines {
  x-virus {
    header = "X-Virus";
    remove = 0;
    # The following setting is an empty list by default and required to be set
    # These are user-defined symbols added by the antivirus module
    symbols = ["CLAM_VIRUS", "FPROT_VIRUS"];

If the Antivirus module detects any viruses in an email, the module adds a header that contains the names of the viruses detected by the configured scanners.

Custom routines

User-defined routines can be defined in configuration in the custom section, for example:

use = ["my_routine"];

custom {
  my_routine = <<EOD
  return function(task, common_meta)
    -- parameters are task and metadata from previous functions
    return nil, -- no error
    {['X-Foo'] = 'Bar'}, -- add header: X-Foo: Bar
    {['X-Foo'] = 0 }, -- remove foreign X-Foo headers
    {} -- metadata to return to other functions

You can reference the key my_routine in the use setting, just like you would with other routines.

Here’s a more complex example: If a specific symbol is added, the module will add an additional header:

use = ["my_routine"];

custom {
  my_routine = <<EOD
  return function(task, common_meta)
    -- parameters are task and metadata from previous functions

    if task:has_symbol('SYMBOL') then
      return nil, -- no error
      {['X-Foo'] = 'Bar'}, -- set extra header
      {['X-Foo'] = 0}, -- remove foreign X-Foo headers
      {} -- metadata to return to other functions

    return nil, -- no error
    {}, -- need to fill the parameter
    {['X-Foo'] = 0}, -- remove foreign X-Foo headers
    {} -- metadata to return to other functions


Scan results exposure prevention

To avoid exposing scan results in outbound email, the extended Rspamd headers routines (x-spamd-result, x-rspamd-server and x-rspamd-queue-id) only add headers if the message is NOT originated from authenticated users or our_networks.

If desired, the extended_headers_rcpt option can be used to include the extended Rspamd headers in messages sent to specific recipients or domains, such as a list of domains the mail server is responsible for.

Disabling DSN

Delivery status notification (DSN) reports for successful email deliveries can include the original message headers, including Rspamd headers. The only way to prevent this is to stop offering DSN to foreign servers.

Additionally, disabling DSN can prevent the generation of backscatter.

Postfix example

The following configuration example restricts DSN requests to local subnets and authenticated users only. Note that the smtpd_discard_ehlo_keyword_address_maps setting is applied to the smtp service only, and not to smtps or submission.

Make sure to modify the example below to match your subnet(s) accordingly.


# Allow DSN requests from local subnets only  silent-discard    silent-discard       silent-discard, dsn
::/0            silent-discard, dsn

# ==========================================================================
# service type  private unpriv  chroot  wakeup  maxproc command + args
#               (yes)   (yes)   (no)    (never) (100)
# ==========================================================================
smtp      inet  n       -       n       -       1       postscreen
  -o smtpd_discard_ehlo_keyword_address_maps=cidr:$config_directory/esmtp_access

or globally

smtpd_discard_ehlo_keyword_address_maps = 

DSN can also be disabled for everyone with a shorter configuration change:

# $config_directory/
    smtpd_discard_ehlo_keywords = silent-discard, dsn